Thursday, February 27, 2020

European law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

European law - Essay Example ibutor Lyon in France is 40% of the market and therefore there could be an issue of collective dominance1 of BMC and Lyon that may well arise in this case and invoke the provisions of Article 81(1) restricting competition in the internal market. Article 14(2) of the EC Treaty defines the internal market as â€Å"an area without frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of this treaty.† On this basis, it may therefore be stated that any measure that has the cumulative effective of restricting the free movement of goods (in this case cars) within the internal market which is comprised of the European states including UK, France and Germany could be deemed to be violative of EU law. However EC competition law is based upon the Treaty of Rome which requires that certain objectives be taken into consideration in so far as implementing Community law is concerned, such as for example Article 6 for environmental protection, article 127 for employment or article 153.2 for consumer protection. Such factors therefore allow for a fairly flexible interpretation of competition law, as in the case of Metro SB-Großmà ¤rkte GmbH & Co. KG v Commission. 2 Monti has also pointed out several other examples of goals that have been considered in implementing competition law, either directly or indirectly and identifies some of these goals as regional development, industrial policy, protection of employment, protection of the environment and market integration.3 Such exemptions may however, not always apply. For example, in the case of A BrunsteinergmbH and Autohaus Hilgert gmbH v BMW,4 the Court held that where the exemptions listed under Article 81(3) of the EC Treaty were not satisfied, then contractual terms between two undertakings that were restrictive of competition could be deemed to be liable under the provisions of Article 81(1). A major issue in this case was the application of Regulation EC No:

Monday, February 10, 2020

Film Glory Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film Glory - Movie Review Example Rawlins revised his style to transformational leadership, which was effective in producing the necessary attainment of the group's mission and goals. There had been a slew of films about the American Civil War but the movie "Glory" stood out because it was unique and because it not only focused its energies on bombings, hand to hand combats and killings but it featured the African American people's aspirations to prove its self-worth, courage and dignity under fire and under pressures of racial prejudice and honor amidst the backdrop of a bitter divisive war between the northern Union states and the southern Confederate states. Moreover, the film illustrates the anatomy of leadership as a young colonel was given the daunting task of recruiting, training and leading an all-black regiment, which was the first such black regiment to fight under the American flag, many of whom were older than he was and most of whom were embittered by the demeaning experiences they had under the white men. This film showed that heroism knows no color and its significance was that after the 54th Massachusetts regiment showed to all and sundry their he art-wrenching guts and heroism, President Lincoln conscripted more of such black regiments, assigning them challenging roles in a number of major battles. The 54th regiment was the start of black power in military warfare. It explained why blacks were worthy of being endowed with citizenships to the United States. The Relationships Among the Dramatis Personae Bonding within an infantry led by young white officers and composed of colored men,Glory 3 majority of whom had experienced indignities, brutalities and acts of inhumanity as former slaves from white men, was almost an unattainable situation. Leadership was even an impossible dream. But the regiment had to be formed as ordered by abolitionist Massachusetts governor John Andrew (Blatt et al,2000,p.19) and in its formation, everything had to start with an effective leadership or else the infantry will only be in a state of disarray and disintegration. It was incumbent upon Col.Robert Gould Shaw portrayed by Matthew Broderick to alter the relationship which started from distrust, aversion, contempt, bigotry and even hatred. He had to turn things around to make the regiment functional. This had to be accomplished without the needed boost and support from the command force and worse, from a flip-flopping stance of the command higher-ups who even issued absurd orders designed to make the regiment a nonentity. This was due to the belief that blacks had no capacity to fight and th at they would merely incite the border States to defect from the Union. There