Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Holocaust The World War I - 1157 Words

Alyssa Dittman Ms.Dwiggins computers 2 22/9/2014 The Holocaust The word â€Å"Holocaust† was originally taken from the Greek word â€Å"Holokauston†. In Greek, this word meant â€Å"sacrifice by fire†. Holocaust is the name given to the German Nazis killing and persecution of Jews. Other targeted groups were Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, the handicapped or deformed, and all others who disagreed with what Adolph Hitler was doing. It all began in 1933 when the entire world was in a depression. Adolph Hitler became chancellor of Germany in January of that year. In Germany alone, over five million people were without work. They were afraid and still angry because Germany was defeated in World War I. In that war, Hitler was in the German army. After the war, their country was made to sign the Treaty of Versailles. This Treaty forced Germany to lose some of their territory along with limiting the size of its army and having to pay large amounts of money for war damages. Adolph Hitler took advantage of the G erman’s feelings and preached his own racial thinking that Aryans (people of Nordic descent) were superior to all other races. He told the people that Germany would once again become a huge world power. The adults and children believed him because his preaching gave them hope. Hitler blamed the Jews for losing the war. After the war was over he became a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, known to other parts of the world as Nazis. Hitler wasShow MoreRelatedHolocaust : The World War I2252 Words   |  10 PagesHolocaust Denial During World War I Adolf Hitler served his country which the defeat of his country lead him to blame the Jews. Hitler after the war joined the National Socialists German Workers’ Party, which was known to the English as Nazis. In 1923 he wrote his memoir â€Å"Mein Kampf† which translates to my struggles, in which Hitler expressed his obsession for the idea of a perfect Aryan race. January 20, 1933 was when Hitler was named the chancellor of Germany. The first concentration camp thatRead MoreThe Holocaust : The World War I2592 Words   |  11 PagesThe Holocaust World War I, the first actual war played out on a global scale. During the time of the war, many people, military and civilians a like, lost their lives. However, among all of these people, one man got very lucky in the sight of death, for you see this man had been partially blinded after being exposed to mustered gas, and when when stumbling on the battle field, a British solider by the name of Henry Tandey who saw this man, took pity on him and let him go. The man that he saved wasRead MoreThe Holocaust : A War Hero After World War I1940 Words   |  8 PagesAmerican River College The Holocaust Ferris Spears World History Yousef Batarseh 3 December 2015 The point of where this all began was when Adolf Hitler came to became known as a war hero after World War I, and soon after gaining enough power to become chancellor of Europe in January of 1933. In March of 1933 one of the world s greatest and worst tragedies in history began. This tragedy was the holocaust where the Jews were persecuted, and killed all because of the man named Adolf HitlerRead MoreEssay about Democratic Republic of Congo Holocaust922 Words   |  4 PagesCongo (DRC) Holocaust was the bloodiest war fought. This was due to the death toll, possibly larger than that of the Holocaust. Between 1998 and 2007, there were a total of 5.4 million people dead. The number of those deaths has definitely gone up over the years (Heaton 1). Genocide is very vital because of the people being slaughtered and giving their lives away in order to support their political stance. Everyone, whether it is through war or poverty, suffers from this immense tragedy. I was interestedRead More The Holocaust : A Traumatic Event Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesThe Holocaust was a very traumatic event in history. Every year in school from about middle school onward students learn specifically about Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party’s cruel treatment of the Jewish culture and people during World War II. The same general knowledge is given to us from middle school up until the ending our high school history careers. We are taught to believe that Adolf Hitler was a corrupt man, who sought control of Germany in the 1930’s. Even though we are given backgroundRead MoreThe Holocausts Effect on the German Jew Essay1745 Words   |  7 Pagestarget of the Holocaust, but why they were a large part of the years before, during, and after the Holocaust. Hitler’s â€Å"final solution† almost eliminated the Jewish population in Europe during World War II. At the end of the war and along with his suicide, the Jewish population would survive the horror known as th e Holocaust and the Jews would eventually find their way back to their homeland of Israel as well as find new communities to call home. Hitler’s rise to power before World War II was dueRead MoreThe Mass Murder Of A Totalitarian Leader1112 Words   |  5 Pagessystematically murdered, in one of the largest genocides known to mankind, â€Å"Never shall I forget the little faces of children, whose bodies turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky,† (Elie Wiesel). The aftermath of the Holocaust was devastating, hundreds of Jewish families were forced to continue their lives, with little, to no financial aid; between the years of 1945 and 1952, 80,000 Holocaust survivors immigrated to the United States. The Jewish individuals lost their citizenshipRead MoreThe Impact Of Wwii On Jewish History1362 Words   |  6 Pagesway, 64.5 million people, including six million Jewish people. This war could have extinguished the Jewish culture. According to Holocaust Encyclopedia, this is some of the aftermath of the Holocaust (2). The Anglo-Americans discovered piles of corpses after WWII. Soldiers also found starving and sick Jewish and non-Jewish survivors. Survivors were afraid to return to their homes because they feared for their lives. After the war, survivors were housed in refugee centers. Thousands of survivors decidedRead MoreWorld War I And II1057 Words   |  5 Pages20th century, World War I and II, left a lasting impact on society economically, politically, and socially. As we have read in detailed archives on both world catastrophes, the nature in which violence shaped society after the war varied greatly. Ernst Jà ¼nger in Storm of Steel shares his heroic memoirs from fighting on the German front in World War I. Art Spiegelman tells the very personal and emotional story of his father, a survivor of World War II’s Holocaust. Throughout the war, Ernst remindsRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Destruction Of The Jews1717 Words   |  7 PagesThe Holocaust is by far the worst genocide ever com mitted, with between 5 and 6 million Jews murdered; along with countless other minorities the Germans deemed inferior (The Holocaust Chronicle Appendices). The Holocaust began with the boycott of Jewish businesses, and ended in camps such as Auschwitz. The destruction of the Jews was made possibly with the rise of Adolf Hitler to power, as he and his fellow Nazi followers attempted to exterminate the Jewish populace of Europe. In the paragraphs to

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dem 308 Understand the Role of Communication and...

DEM 308 Understand the role of communication and interactions with individuals who have dementia 1. Understand that individuals with dementia may communicate in different ways 1.1 Explain how individuals with dementia may communicate through their behaviour The way a person is behaving is usually a good indicator of what they are trying to communicate, especially if they have difficulty expressing their feelings with words. Body language will also provide clues. People wish to be heard and validated and the way they behave may indicate how they are feeling. so a person presenting as angry may be feeling frustrated. People presenting as sad may be experiencing vivid memories of a past event that seems very real and current to†¦show more content†¦It is important to her that I keep reminding her of the time of day, day of the week etc. and also she needs constant reassurance about where her daughter is. This helps to keep the client from feeling lost in her day. 2.2 Explain how positive interactions with individuals who have dementia can contribute to their wellbeing Positive interactions can help reduce agitation caused by frustration and give a person a feeling that they do matter. By lending an understanding ear to someone with Alzheimers to verbalize their frustrations, worries and fears, the negative emotions can diminish. This will contribute to better cognitive functioning and behaviour. Dementia can be a lonely illness and giving someone you time and undivided attention can help them to remain centred and calm. 2.3 Explain the importance of involving individuals with dementia in a range of activities Cognitive stimulation can help to slow the decline of dementia in the early stages. Stimulation helps to keep the processes of the brain functioning. Boredom and frustration are the two most common causes of challenging behaviour in with dementia. Taking part in a physical or mental activity can provide a welcome distraction from the stresses of the illness and can help to focus them on the positive and fun aspects of life. Activity can be as simple as holding a conversation, singing or going for a walk and discussing what is seen. 2.4 Compare a reality orientationShow MoreRelatedUnderstand the Role of Communication and Interactions with Individuals Who Have Dementia (Dem 308)1694 Words   |  7 PagesUnderstand the role of communication and interactions with individuals who have dementia (DEM 308) Outcome 1 Understand that individuals with dementia may communicate in different ways 1. explain how individuals with dementia may communicate through their behaviour Dementia sufferers communicate in many different ways. They may not be able to speak but they can communicate non-verbally with positive or negative behaviour. They can also communicate using body language and through postureRead MoreLeadership for Health and Social Care and Children65584 Words   |  263 PagesAssessment Units Use and develop systems that promote communication (SHC51) Promote professional development (SHC52) 6 44 48 49 54 55 58 Champion equality, diversity and inclusion (SHC53) 60 Develop health and safety and risk management policies procedures and practices in health and social care or children and young people s settings (M1) 62 Working in partnership in health and social care or children and young people s settings (M2c) 66 Understand child and young person s development (MU5.2) 68

Friday, December 13, 2019

Apk entreprneurship Free Essays

Executive Summary Creative Maker Sad Bad established described in this business plan Is to start-up a charity business by determined and dedicated Individuals who are experience In this field. Through the Basic Entrepreneurship Culture course (EXEGESES) we are exposed to the basic entrepreneur knowledge for the purpose to implement the entrepreneur satellites and managing basic entrepreneur risks In order to carry out this business. Without doubt this idea came out as a dream now beginning to shape Into reality. We will write a custom essay sample on Apk entreprneurship or any similar topic only for you Order Now In supervising us throughout this project. In general, this business Is focusing on the field of manufacturing and by focusing on high quality customer service, diverse offerings, creative promotion strategy and continuous development of employees, our company Is projected to reach 850 customer In a month while maintaining a high gross margin on sales while strengthening cash management and working capital. A comprehensive analysis of the market indicates that souvenir industry is strong and robust generating a fair amount of annual revenues. The location of our business will include various places inside University Malay and it is highly desirable as it is based at a busy part of the university. Our chosen target markets which include the students, lecturer and staffs of University Malay and will account for a total of 850 potential customers in the first month. The promotion will A review of our competitors shows that we will be competing against Creative Center Sad Bad established near our location. This business focus on different pricing structure and marketing approaches. With our consistent, high quality services and moderate pricing, we have the edge in attracting customers by delivering a full range of beauty and pampering treatments in several convenient location. Our concrete marketing plan will distinguish us as souvenirs of choice for customers. PC entrepreneurship By mimicked Creative Maker Sad Bad established described in this business plan is to start-up a hearty business by determined and dedicated individuals who are experience in this activities and managing basic entrepreneur risks in order to carry out this business. Without doubt this idea came out as a dream now beginning to shape into reality. We would like to thank Dry. Norwich bin Mood Musical as our lecturer who had been so committed in supervising us throughout thi s project. In general, this business is employees, our company is projected to reach 850 customer in a month while How to cite Apk entreprneurship, Papers